Saturday, May 11, 2013

Toy Project ENME 204


The project objective for the toy is fairly simple, but that doesn’t mean it is easy to achieve. The toy has to be appealing to children and requires at least one moving component. We have a budget of $200 ($50 from each team member) to build our toy. C-BOT ultimately decided to go with a Mardi Gras type float with an alligator on the top. The alligator will have at least two moving components. The first moving component is the easiest to produce, the wheels, which will be set into motion by someone from our team pushing on the object. The second moving component will be the alligator opening and closing its mouth. This will be triggered by a mechanism which will take the kinetic motion from the wheels via the pushing from the team member. We may also add another moving component if we have the resources. The possible third moving component will be the tail of the alligator which will swing side to side. With three possible moving components, the requirement for a moving component will be met.

The marketability of the toy is based on appealing to children. Our target market is to entice buyers with this friendly alligator. C-BOT will achieve this by using a cartoonish alligator with a grin/smile on its face and also a crown on top of its head. The name of the toy shall be “Marty the Alligator”. We got the name “Marty” from the theme of the toy (Mardi Gras). With all this preparation the objectives and requirements for the project will be achieved.

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